Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Well, here we go.

My name is Amanda. I love donuts and I hate eating healthy. 
(on a side note, my 6 year old niece (she just yelled IM SIX AND A HALF as she's reading over my shoulder) just asked if I was pregnant in this picture because my tummy was sticking out a bit)

      Until I was 17, my metabolism was in control of my body and I never had to worry about, erm, extra weight gain. My nights consisted of 2 AM Amigos runs (both figuratively and literally) and never exercising unless it was to take my dog to the dog park. 

      Two years later, yesterday in fact, I saw a picture of myself that I wasn't a fan of. Meaning, I broke down and cried because I didn't realize that's how I looked. Don't get me wrong, I love myself and my curves and I know I'm not overweight, but I struggle with body image as well. The breakdown might have been induced by Nature's monthly sucker-punch, the stress of planning a wedding (198 days to go!), and trying to adult, which is indeed a verb. 

According to Urban Dictionary, "adulting" is: to do grown up things and hold responsibilities such as, a 9-5 job, a mortgage/rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grown ups. 
Used in a sentence: Jane is adulating quite well today as she is on time for work promptly at 8AMand appears well groomed. 

Anyways, I'm trying to adult by getting a new-used car with my fiancé, budgeting a Dave Ramsey budget (#totalmoneymakeover) so we can overcome our mountain of student debt, and going to school to become an Communication Scholar. All that said, my eating habits have not been my first priority, and rightly so. My therapist says that I should follow my true joy, and if that means gaining a few pounds here and there, so be it.

I've followed my happiness, and ate so much Dairy Queen to get me through my anxiety, but I can't take it anymore. Once I saw that picture, I went heeeellllll nahhhh. The reason I'm starting this Whole30 shindig probably isn't the best reason, and I will probably be miserable while I'm doing it, which brings me to the reason I started a blog.

I want this blog to be an example for all you people out there who cringe at the word diet, because that is me. All of the other blogs I've read seem to be from women who love being healthy and being organic and are already running marathons. As stated before, I usually hate being healthy and I'm terrible at cooking and planning. Being the type B person that I am, some nights I might forget to plan a meal and end up eating carrots for dinner. 

I'm going to vent and swear and hold cookie dough until it is absorbed through my skin, but I'm going to try. Mother, I'm trying to eat healthy. 

Day 1 is tomorrow and I actually went grocery shopping and bought all the supplies I would need to ensure I eat (Side note: I'm the pickiest eater you've ever met). I can give the list, maybe, but I hate grocery lists so I'm just going to put what I eat tomorrow.

Thanks for following, reading, and please, please, pray for me. 




  1. woot woot! Way to go Amanda! This is going to be quite the journey for you and I'm excited to see you at the finish line!

  2. I'm excited for you! You've got this!
