Sunday, March 13, 2016

Day 4

Wow, what a day.

This morning was extremely rough, to the point where I almost quit (on day 4, I know, I know). I had massive stomach pains, green caca, fatigue, and a pounding headache. My mother swears it's the carb flu, and she's never wrong.

Regardless, it took me until 1:30 PM to finally do something with my life other than sit around and look at Buzzfeed articles while my headache calmed itself and I sipped my coffee. The rest of the afternoon was spent with being in the kitchen, hanging with the J-man, and doing homework because spring break ENDS TODAY.
The Office tends to match what I'm feeling at all times.

In addition, I'm finding all my time has been in the kitchen and I. AM. NOT. A. FAN. This isn't a feminist rant or anything, I just loathe having to spend so much time on food. What would I rather be doing?
           Literally anything. Riding my bike, taking Tess to the dog park, watching The Office, taking salsa lessons with Levi, letting my nieces cover me with makeup, anything.*

Regardless of my ranting, the day got better. My Dad made this killer chicken noodle soup, but instead of noodles, they used some roots that taste like rice but actually aren't rice (it's called bismasiti or something like that, but not basmati rice. because I love basmati rice.) Then, I mixed some kombucha, which is pretty much moldy tea that's actually good for you (see picture below), with La Croix and some frozen berries.

It's basically hippy hooch, but with <.05% alcohol, and is full of probiotics. Yup, that's mold. 

Last, but not least, I finished my homework and am just about to head to sleep. Today was a good day, but WHO KNOWS what will happen once I return to the craziness of college.

How I felt today about Whole30:

Peace. Love. Blessings. 


*anything doesn't include being stabbed by a needle, murdered, giving blood, losing my memory, or being in open water


  1. TOBY!!! SPRING BREAK IS ENDING!! NOOOO!!! But, I know you've got it *talons*

    Also, I liked your use of an asterisk...especially not any needle poking [cue Michael Scott gif again]

  2. I was passing by this post....the Michael Scott so good!
